Sunday, October 31, 2010

AARRGH You Ready for Some SCIENCE???

Our summer fun continued with the boys on another great Wednesday! This time we headed to the Science Center to see the pirate exhibit! The boys all donned their Mexico shirts - easier to keep an eye on them when they are dressed alike - and we headed out the door for more St. Louis fun!

Our first stop was the Earthquake simulator! The boys and Dan ran watched the video until the earth started shaking! They were so focused on the video about earthquakes I was able to get them from a few different angles, which never happens!
Next, we went to the Pirate Exhibit, but unfortunately, cameras weren't allowed. The boys learned about doubloons - Spanish coins, walking the plank and were very intrigued by they youngest pirate ever, a little boy named, John who was only 9 years old!

After walking through a real pirate ship, we ended our trip to the Science Center with some time in the Discovery Room! I love, love, love this room as it is closed off to those who have tickets and there are workers at the door watching so no one comes in or leaves! My stress level goes way down in this room as the boys have much more freedom to navigate through all the exhibits by themselves.

Here are the three of them playing in the water. This is possibly one of their favorite things to do as they can add or remove small plastic pieces to change the water current...then send boats and ducks down their course that they made!
Luke stayed here for almost the ENTIRE hour we were in there...he is SO focused here!
Jack and Nick moved a bit more throughout the room. Here they are racing cars - Nick's favorite thing to play with!
And here is Jack with his favorite thing to do in the Discovery Room...making the child sized arch! Jack could do this all by himself!
It seems that we always work up a thirst in everything we did this summer! Here the boys are enjoying their frozen sodas!!!
By the looks on their faces, they had a good time! Again, so did mom and dad which makes these trips all the better - and likely to happen again in the future! :)

Let's Bowl, Let's Bowl!!!

Okay, so again I have to say WAY back in July - we spent a Wednesday afternoon bowling! Of course, I brought my camera! I think this is my favorite shot - all 5 of us with our stylish shoes on!
Jack went first - check out this form! He actually did quite well!
Of course, you can't bowl without beverages! Here Jack and I enjoy our Diet Cokes!
Nick was up next! Doesn't he look so little in this picture? Hard to believe that when he starts (well, started!) school in August he is (was) already a FIRST grader!
Again, after he finished bowling, he headed back to have a quick sip of soda - with Dad!
Last, but certainly not least, was our little Buka Bear! He really did great! I think he got the first strike - thanks to the gutter bumpers we all played with!
Luke is so independent - even at the young age of 3 - that he wanted to have his picture taken with his beverage all by himself! He was waving at the camera...not posed!
Our bowling day was great! All three boys got along so well and actually cheered each other on! It was wonderful to see all my little men truly enjoying each others company! Here Jack and Nick are cheering on Luke!
Our final scores...Dan won, I came in second, Luke was third and Jack and Nick each tied with 85!
All in all a really great July day - the bowling alley was cool and not crowded, which made for a perfect combination! I truly can't wait to take them back again - maybe over Christmas break - so, you will likely see pictures next July! :)