Sunday, January 9, 2011

He's Coming to Town!

The problem with being SO late in my blogging is that I don't exactly have all the days in chronological order - this being the perfect example. Santa Claus came to our town the first weekend in December (well before the big man stopped at Nana and Papa's house and the Christmas program at church!) so pardon the goofed up time line! :)

The Saturday afternoon was COLD, but the three boys wanted to brave the cold weather to catch a glimpse of Santa! Here they are waiting for the parade to begin! (Luke was being goofy!!!)
This parade is really very small and since there aren't TONS of people there, we got to our spot right before it started! My fave part is always the band - the boys love it too! Here they are watching as the music approaches!!!
An elf passing out candy canes - Luke was all about the candy this year!
Ladies comes Mrs. Claus!
And here is Santa himself, coming down Main Street! The reindeer in the boy scout uniform and antlers is our Pastor! Not sure who the guy is taking the picture of me taking the picture - hope if turned out good, dude!!!
After the parade it was off to another one of Jack's soccer games - another fun Saturday in the books! :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Jesus is the Reason...

On December 19th, our church held it's Children's Christmas Program during our usual church service. Dan is getting into this whole blogging thing - he took a picture of the program!
Jack had a reading part...
...while Nick had a speaking part (although I honestly think Dan got all the other kids in this group with the microphone, except Nick!!!) He is the cutie though on the far left! :)
...and Luke was supposed to sing and do some adorably cute finger plays. Jack and Nick were able to participate, but Luke was sick. I got a call on my way home from work the Friday before telling me that he had a fever - that lasted, essentially until the following Tuesday -thankfully it was controlled with medication, but he just was not himself, so he just sat with us! :) Thanks to Motrin, he was all smiles during the service!
Jack and Nick both look proud of a job well done - sharing the story of Jesus' birth!
I love the fact that our boys know what Christmas really is all about! I think it helps that we have a "Happy Birthday Jesus" cake every year and always sing Happy Birthday to Him! Merry Christmas all!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Snowy Sunday!

The first snow of the year came on the same Sunday that we had to say goodbye to Bryan and Alyssa, so once they hit the open road, Dan and the boys headed outside. Unfortunately, I was inside on the phone calling for tow trucks for Bryan as he ended up with a flat tire in Imperial, MO. Thankfully I got him a tow truck and Uncle Steve drove out to help Bryan too so all was taken care of while the boys and Dan had fun in the snow!

But, before they could go outside, they had to get all wrapped up - in coats, gloves, scarves, etc!
Here are Jack and Nick!
And here is Dan getting Luke ready!
Here is Jack and Luke...
Luke again...
Nick was kind of keeping to himself on the side of the yard (wait...I JUST noticed Jack in the tree!!!)
While all my boys were outside, I was inside getting some hot food and drink ready for them - hot cocoa with snowmen marshmallows and snowman pasta for the little boys and McDonalds coffee for Dan because our coffee pot BROKE that day!!!
Luke was the first one in - so it was a warm bath, feety pajamas and lunch!
Jack came in next - same story for him, although his cheeks are still red!
Nick came in MUCH later and really just wanted to eat!!! So much so that he didn't even stop eating to smile!
Dan came in last and looks like he is thoroughly enjoying his pasta and hot cocoa!
The best part about the day was hearing that we had no school on Monday! YEAH for snow days!!!

Holding up a House!

After the fun soccer game (see below), we had Dan's Christmas party - since Uncle Steve is the IT guy for Dan's practice and Nana is the office manager, Nana, Papa, Jackie and Steve all went to the bash - leaving Bryan to watch the kids (minus Henry - who is a bit more "high maintenance"). Uncle Bryan came prepared though with 2 gingerbread house kits! The houses didn't want to stay up very good, but Uncle Bryan came up with some help - using my Fezziwig's tea canisters! Thankfully he did, because they really turned out great! Bryan didn't take any pics the night they were building and decorating them, so we took these "after" pictures to capture the moment!

Jack and Nick built their houses together - their finished product looks great!
Alyssa and Luke built theirs together - these two crack me up - they fight like a real brother and sister! But love each other like that too! :)
Dan also snapped a pic of Alyssa with each of her cousins as they were leaving later on this particular day - the Sunday that was snowy and totally yucky!!!

Jack and Alyssa...
Nick and Alyssa...
Luke and Alyssa...
We had to say goodbye, but we had plans to go down to Memphis to see them again after Christmas, so it was an easy adios!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Our Soccer Star!

If Jack was ever to read this, he would NOT approve of the title of this blog entry as he always beats himself up about he isn't so great, but Jack has found his sport in soccer! He loves it and is really good at it - even Papa Jack says so - which says a LOT!!! When outdoor soccer ended, Jack was seriously sad - until we found out that there was an indoor team being formed! Jack jumped on the chance to keep playing! So, Dan took him out to buy some indoor gear - some new soccer shoes, goalie gloves and a fab new soccer shirt!

The league is "recreational" in nature, so there are no practices, only games on the weekends, and it's co-ed which is fun! The day after Santa's visit (see below!) the whole family got together again to watch our little soccer player! Uncle Steve, Uncle Bryan, Alyssa (mid blink!), Papa and Nana all found cozy seats on the bleachers...
While Luke, Aunt Jackie and Henry wanted a closer view!
But the closest spectators were Nick and Dad!!!
Jack was able to play his FAVORITE position - goalie, during the second half and had some AMAZING saves! He is not scared of the ball or the shooters. He gets such an attitude when he is out there - Papa and I even noticed that he gave a "look" to a player who tried to kick the ball out of his hands - if looks could kill, that one definitely would have. I love seeing his self confidence soar when he is on the field!!! Here he is taking a goal kick!
Since we had such a large crew there, I had to make them stop to take a pic with the soccer star himself! Notice Jack's smile - he is right in the center and loving every minute of it!!!
As I'm writing this, I'm sad to say that we only have one more game to go before this season is over. Luckily though, Coach Kevin said that there is another league starting up in February - looks like we will have just a one month break before it starts up again...and I can't wait!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ho! Ho! Holy Moly - It's Santa!

After we finished eating cake and ice cream in celebration of Jackie and Steve's birthday - the doorbell rang and in came the big man himself - with a HO, HO, HO! Surprisingly he had presents for all of us - and a real beard!!! The boys and Alyssa all knew that this was the REAL Santa!
Jack was the first one called up to sit on Santa's lap!
Then it was Nick's turn!
While Nick was telling Santa all of his Christmas wishes, Luke and Alyssa were waiting patiently for their names to be called!
Alyssa's name was called next!!! And check out this smile - no more tears!!!
Luke couldn't wait to sit on Santa's lap and tell him about how he wants a Dora the Explorer Dollhouse!
Henry was up next, but a little scared, so he stayed on Jackie's lap!
Even the adults got gifts!!! Gigi LOVED sitting on Santa's lap!
My turn...
Dan giving Santa some BIG hugs!!!
Uncle Bryan!
Papa was SO excited to get called up to see Santa!
Nana - you forgot to take your glasses off! :)
By the time it was time to go, Henry had warmed up to Santa - well, sort of - his face isn't smiling, but at least he is close to him without crying! Poor Jackie didn't get a pic of her and Santa alone, Henry wouldn't allow it, but this is a great one!
After Santa got back to his reindeer and sleigh, it was time for us to open our presents! Santa brought all the kids zhu zhu pets and duffel bags - to use when we go visit Bryan and Alyssa! Dan and I each got Mascoutah Dad and Mascoutah Mom hoodies!

Santa also gave all the grownups Bingo Scratch Off lottery tickets! SOME of us, just HAD to scratch them immediately!!!
All 5 kids felt like dancing after Santa's departure! Check out their moves!!!
What a FUN night!!! Great lasagna (thanks to Nana!), birthday cake and ice cream for Jackie and Steve's birthdays AND a visit from Santa!!! The night couldn't have gotten any better!!!