Saturday, October 4, 2008

What a place for a sleepover...

So yesterday afternoon, the wonderful ladies at the boys' daycare gave me a call at school to inform me that Luke's incision site from his cochlear implant surgery looked red. He had no other symptoms though, so I called Dan and we decided I would leave work a little early (as there was no use waking Luke up from his nap) and bring him up for Dan to take a peak...after all the surgery was in March, so it "couldn't be infected!"

I grabbed the 3 boys and we headed to Dan's office. He saw it and immediately called Luke's surgeon, who from his trip in Arizona told us to head to Children's. Dan took Luke straight there and I dropped the boys off at our house! Thanks to Kristin for staying with the boys! :)

To make a long story short, Luke has been admitted b/c essentially the implant site has become infected and the docs are worried that the infection may travel up the opening (from the implant) into his brain!!! He is on some SERIOUS antibiotics to kill this infection as we were told that if it didn't clear up by Sunday morning they would have to do a CT scan with the possibility of removing the implant and replacing one in his other ear OR waiting for the right side to heal and redoing it!!! UGH! Since neither option really appeals to anyone, we are attempting to make it through these antibiotics which turn our poor Buka a bright color of red and this morning made his face swell up!!! At this point they are only telling us that we will be here 1 or 2 more nights! It wouldn't be terrible, except for the fact that Buka is stuck to this darn IV machine and there isn't terribly too much to do!

Luckily Aunt Jackie is available to stay the nights with Luke and I and Dan is up here during the day. He heads home at night to relieve Nana who is watching Jack and Nick (and getting them to soccer games and such!!!)

I'll try to keep everyone posted!!!

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