Sunday, April 12, 2009

No Plain Ole WHITE eggs here!!!

Yesterday after our egg hunt, we decided to dye some eggs...three dozen to be exact! I had purchased two sets of egg dye kits, one that was all about tattoos for Jack and Nick and a Sesame Street kit for Luke! Maddie and Kristin had stopped over to drop off some goodies for the boys, so we convinced them to stay for the fun! (And the extra sets of hands were definitely a help!)

Luke and Kristin worked diligently on their eggs. Luke loved dropping the egg in the dye and stirring it with the spoon; luckily only a few spills were made!
Nick, of course, utilized his favorite color - blue, for the majority of his eggs!
Jack was probably the most creative of the bunch, using the "magic" crayon to write on his eggs and working very patiently with the tattoos to place them in just the right spot on his colorful eggs! Here, he shows off his work!
Dan got in on the fun too and made an egg dedicated to his favorite team! Go Yanks!
Here is our egg making crew - minus Kristin - who snapped this pic...
Voila! Our beautiful eggs....notice some missing! Boiling three dozen eggs is harder than it sounds and a few (well, six!) were lost!
Happy Easter, all!

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