Sunday, September 13, 2009

Papa's PERFECT Party!

My dad celebrated his birthday on September 1st! If you want to know how old he is, just ask Jack...he is our family's math/memory wiz and can tell you how old any member of our family is!!! He even told all of the daycare teachers how old Nana was when she picked him up from daycare the other day...Nana was so, well, uh, proud! :)

We decided to have a BBQ/bonfire at Aunt Jackie and Uncle Steve's house this year to celebrate! The boys again helped Papa blow out his candles!
Papa LOVED his wireless speakers for his backyard! Looks like Nana is excited about them too! Uncle Steve hooked them up right away at his house so we could all enjoy some fabulous music!!!
Jackie and Steve's neighbor, Jamie, joined in on the party! Uncle Steve and Dan were the marshmallow roasters for the evening!
Nick poses with his s'more...and Jack and Papa!
Luke kept busy while painting the driveway with water!!! (Pardon the pj's, but it was late and we had a bit of a drive home...)
Henry looks wide awake here with Nana...unfortunately, Nana and I decided to feed him his baby food MUCH earlier than what Jackie and Steve typically do. Henry slept the majority of the night and was just waking up when we were getting ready to leave....sorry!!! :)
Jackie and I even got a 5K run in during the party!!! And, Nana and Papa played a new game with Jack and Nick that we all loved!!! Another fantastic party for a fantastic man!!! Happy Birthday, PAPA!!! We love you!

1 comment:

Papa Jack said...

Thanks for a great party and all the gifts. I expected at least 20 pictures of me on this post so my girls in Baltimore could enjoy. Again thanks I do have a great family.
Papa Jack