Uncle Bryan and Alyssa came up to visit on the Saturday before Memorial Day! We managed to spend some great family time at Nana and Papa's house in Trenton! Unfortunately, a lot of crazy events took place over the long weekend...starting with Saturday night when we got a call from Aunt Jackie that she and Uncle Steve were taking Henry to the ER as he had been inconsolable ALL DAY!!! Dr. Dan a.k.a., Uncle Dan had checked him out earlier in the afternoon, but only saw some white spots on his throat, so he gave them the okay to head to a family party at Steve's sister's house! Goodness knows that my kids have had plenty of ER trips and I seriously think Aunt Jackie has been at all of them...which is why we sent Dan and Uncle Bryan up to the park with the kids and Nana and I headed to the ER!!!
After a long night at the ER and some fab Tylenol with Codeine, Henry was back to his normal self!!! And so, the party continued on Sunday!!! Back to the park we went...
Nick LOVED the climbing wall...
Alyssa liked to push her Daddy on the swing...
Jack and Nick liked hanging with Uncle Bryan too...especially when he pushed them like CRAZY on the merry go round!!!
Then it was time to head home...thanks to Aunt Jackie for carrying Luke!!!
And check out who was there to greet us...Baby Henry chilling with Daddy at Nana and Papa's house!!
A Valentine’s Day Sommelier Death Match!
2 years ago