Tuesday, August 3, 2010

An Egyptian Vacation!

One of our neighbors the Pastor of the Methodist church in town. He and his wife have 4 children that the boys like to play with in our cul-de-sac. On one such "playdate" we were invited to attend their Vacation Bible School. Since you had to be at least 4, Luke couldn't attend, but he is SO excited for next summer when he can go! I'm excited too as I will have 3 hours each morning for an entire week of alone time - you know, time I can go to the grocery store, clean, do all those tasks and errands that are easier done without three "active" boys!

Anyhow, the theme was all about Egypt and it culminated with a program Friday night at the park. Over 200 children went to the community VBS - involving 3 churches and the majority of kids showed up to belt out their songs!

Given Nick's track record I was a bit nervous that he wouldn't get up there and sing, but look at this - he was singing and even doing the motions!!! He is the one "raising the roof" to the left of the speaker!
Jack was right in the middle, but given his shorter stature, he was a bit more difficult to see...especially in all the pics that we snapped, but here he is...he ir right behind the girl bent over - he has a green bandanna thing on!
Daddy and Luke enjoying the show!
Here are the two performers!
The music was great as well as the message! How wonderful that over 200 kids in the community gathered to learn about God! We still have the CD in our car and listen to the "Egypt songs" often. Luke even knows all the words!!!

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