Saturday, December 18, 2010

Turkey Time!

Aunt Jackie and Uncle Steve hosted a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! We all headed over there around 10ish and didn't leave until after 7! What a day! Great food, great family and great fun! The little turkeys came out again!
The Morra boys were definitely excited about the day!!!
Aunt Jackie, Papa and me!
Nana and Papa!
We had to have 3 tables and a buffet line to get all the food passed around! We had quite a group this year - how exciting that our family keeps getting bigger and bigger! Ed looks thrilled to be eating!
One neat thing we started this year was to have everyone sign a white tablecloth! What a cool tradition, that I wish we could have been doing YEARS ago when Grandma Trumpet and Uncle Michael were still alive!

After everyone had their food, Dan said a wonderful prayer and then it was time to eat! Henry was LOVING his food!
While Nick was eating turkey like a crazy man! Notice nothing else on his plate???
Time for dessert! Yummy turkey cookies from Peggy Brown!
Papa looks like he is enjoying his variety of pies! We had TONS!
While Steve looks like he put a little more in his Dunkin Donuts coffee besides creamer!
Uncle Bryan and Alyssa made it from Memphis! Smiles were definitely all around as SOME of us had no idea that Alyssa Jade was coming with Bryan - some of us, means me!!!
The twins, Nana and Aunt Joy enjoy some couch time! Notice the background? Uncle Gene looks like he is sleeping and Dan is watching football!
After we were done eating, it was time to search the ads! Here Papa and Gigi peruse the sales!
I bought these cute little popcorn balls to decorate and had them shipped to Henry to share with all his cousins! This project was a bit more labor intensive than I had first thought, but the kids (and Jackie, Gigi and Dan!) all had fun!
Family picture time! We are missing Ed and Casey because they had to head to Casey's for Thanksgiving with her family! We all look well fed and well rested! Good thing too, because Jackie, Bryan and I would be heading out shopping in just a few short hours!!!

Here's hoping that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

1 comment:

Steve n Jackie said...

That was a great Enzwiler-Morra-Trumpet-Weiersmueller-Fayollat Thanksgiving. I love having it at our house. We don't utilize our second house in the basement enough. Group picture came out great of course, thanks to Amy's awesome camera and Steve's expert pic taking. The pie's were great this year since Amy decided to get a Chocolate Pecan Pie from House of Plenty. Oh wait, she didn't, I did. Papa Jack and I picked them up and paid for them! And to think you almost left out the best pie ever!