Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Christmas Morning Memories!

Since Nana and Papa spent the night on Christmas Eve, Dan and I gave them our bed. I guess the boys forgot because they went running into our bedroom to find Nana and Papa - that didn't stop them from waking up their grandparents early!

We always try to take turns opening presents so that we don't accidentally throw anything away and so that we can truly enjoy the entire morning, but as you can see, both Jack and Luke are opening a gift - which Nick is waiting patiently for his turn!
Luke SO wanted the Dora the Explorer Talking Windows house - he is such a smart little guy...he knew from the shape of the box that this is what he REALLY wanted from Santa - I love his smile on this pic!
Here he is telling me that he "knew it" was the Dora house!
Here is Nick posing by his Beyblade fight arena - just what we need with 3 boys - a FIGHT arena - thanks SANTA!!!
Another fun gift for Nick - Kung Zhu pets - again with a battle arena - what was Santa thinking???All that Jack really wanted this year was Mind Flex - that crazy toy where you are able to control the movement of foam balls by your mind! Well, he got it - and here he is showing Nana all about it! :)
Probably MY favorite game that Santa brought Jack - Bop It Bounce! Although, Aunt Jackie rocked this game throughout the day on Christmas!
Santa was also good to Daddy - bringing him Rock Band 3 - complete with a piano!
Santa and Dan were both great to me - although I had MAJOR bedhead so prohibited the use of any cameras on me! :(

The boys got Nana and Papa some "personalized" mugs!

The boys were worried that Santa wouldn't know that Nana and Papa were at our house this year, but he did - and made sure to bring them a great gift - their very own Wii (which I am happy to report that they play with OFTEN!)
Santa did have just one more surprise for the Morra boys!!! He had left a note telling the boys to go look out the front door because he had one more gift that he couldn't get down the chimney! The look on their faces was priceless - they were SO excited to see their very own basketball hoop!!!
Once all the excitement was over it was time for breakfast!!! And then more gift opening once Aunt Jackie, Uncle Steve and Henry came over - stay tuned for round 2! :)

1 comment:

The Wilsons said...

Santa is a pretty amazing guy...he wraps Luke & Kate's presents in the SAME paper!