Saturday, March 12, 2011

SNOW Much Fun in February!

As it is now already March and I'm just now blogging about February, you all know how much snow was dumped on us - we even had 3 snow days in a row!!! Crazy!!!

On one of those particular snow/ice days, Dan and the boys were all outside while I was holding down the fort indoors - I LOVE that job - anything to keep me from heading out in the COLD! Anyhow, we saw something that we had never seen before - the mailman got stuck!
Good thing there were so many men in the neighborhood off work to help push him out! He was out in no time!
The boys also had fun making a fort - to match the neighbor's fort across the street - they had good intentions of having a snow ball fight - unfortunately the darn cul-de-sac was a bit too big of a distance to throw a snowball at each other!!!

The work in progress!!! Too bad I didn't get a "finished" picture!!! :(

We did have SNOW much fun in February, but I'm SUPER excited that Spring is right around the corner!

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