Sunday, August 7, 2011

Time to Play Croquet!

Okay, so after our computer crashed and Uncle Steve gave me a tutorial on how to organize and store my pictures more efficiently, I'm now back to blogging! And honestly, I've missed it! I'm picking back up in the beginning of April - a Sunday chilling at Nana and Papa's house!

I have great memories of playing croquet with my entire family at my Aunt and Uncle's house. They lived on a farm and had a HUGE yard, so we played croquet on what seemed to be a football field - at least through the eyes of a 3rd or 4th grader. My parents wanted to give that same experience to their grandchildren and bought their own croquet set. It took no time for the boys to love the game as much as I did!

Jack was oh so focused on the ball...
While Nick was swinging like a crazy man! :)
Thankfully Aunt Jackie helped Luke - he was having a tad bit of trouble figuring out the mallet...
Thankfully Henry was ready and available to play with Luke - don cool "hats" and enjoy some delish strawberries!
Uncle Steve and Dan watched the fun...they were just getting tips from watching the little Morra boys play! :)
Thanks for a day full of memories Nana and Papa - funny, but I have not pics of you two - let's just say they got lost in the computer crash! :(

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