Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Broken Camera Woes!

Jack had his first baseball game - actually a double header - on Sunday! Jack played great. Dan, as an assistant coach, got to pitch a game and Nick and Luke, well, loved the dirt! Since we were at the park until about 8 - ah, it was SO feeling like summer, we didn't get a chance to watch the Amazing Race - our typical Sunday night family bonding time! So tonight, on Wednesday, we are sitting here watching the show and I find myself in my "usual" position at the computer, but with minimal pictures as our camera is broken...what is a novice blogger to do??? With that said, here are just a few cute pictures we took when Henry was visiting our house for the first time!

Here are the boys....Jack, Nick, Dan, Steve, Henry and Luke!
And here are the girls (and, well, Henry!) - me, Kristin, Jackie!


Allie n Bryan said...

Wow! Henry really looks a lot like Steve! Kinda like Steve looks a lot like his dad. Cute pics!

Angie said...

Great pictures!!!! I love them!

Allie n Bryan said...

When are you gonna fix your camera? I miss your blogging!!!

Angie said...

Still have a broken camera?!?!?!? I was checking for an update! I just realized how little Henry looks with the heads of you, Kristin and Jackie! Holy Moly!