Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall Fest is FUN!!!

Sunday morning all three boys woke up and their pink eye was gone (see post below!) The day was beautiful...not a cloud in the sky!!! It was a perfect day for our church's second annual Family Fall Fest!!! I made two crock pots full of chili and some funfetti cupcakes and we headed up to enjoy the sun!

This year one of the town's fire trucks was there for the kids to climb in and out of! Here are the three boys enjoying the view from inside the big red truck!
From a very big truck to this little train! I absolutely LOVE this picture of my three little Yankee fans sitting close and comfy to each other in the blue train car!
They had hit all the vehicles so it was time to do some jumping in this HUGE fire dog bouncer! Luke even loved how my little guys are getting big!!!
The next stop was pumpkin painting! All three pumpkins have found a happy home in our front yard!!! They really did a great job!
We were sitting down eating some chili and munching on hot dogs when I happened to look up and see our church's steeple high in the sky. From my perspective on the ground it looked awesome, I just had to snap a quick pic!
After we had enjoyed all the yummy food, games and of course, candy prizes, we headed home to catch the Yankee game! It truly was a great day as the Yanks won the division series!!!

1 comment:

Angie said...

You are SOOOOOOOOOOO on top of it! I still need to get my pics up from the Fall Fest! Fun Times! Glad you talked us in to going!!!!!