Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Birthday CID!!!

Last Wednesday, Central Institute for the Deaf, the oral school in St. Louis, that has totally changed both Jack and Luke's life, celebrated its 95th birthday! Luke was at school on Wednesday, so he and Dan got to participate!

CID went all out, having a magician to entertain the children! The kids then sang "Happy Birthday!" (a feat in itself for a school full of deaf children!) and enjoyed cupcakes! Ms. Beth, Luke's Deaf/Hard of Hearing Teacher who comes to our house, made sure to send extra cupcakes home with Dan! Luke also came home with a CID tattoo for himself and each of his brothers!

Check out Luke's eyes staring at this cake!!! (How fitting that he is wearing his "always hungry" shirt!)
Here is Nick's is the cool CID logo!!!
Happy Birthday CID! I don't know what we would do without you!!! For anyone who may want to read up a bit on it, here is their! AND, I'll also put in a plug for their fundraiser there...Luke is selling Entertainment Books for $25. They sound pricey, but you get coupons for $50 off your total at Shop N Save! If anyone is interested, let me know! :)

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