Friday, December 17, 2010

Deaf Like Me...

In July I received a Facebook message from a woman named Maria. She explained that her newborn daughter, Josie, had been diagnosed with a profound hearing impairment. She further wrote of how when she told her Aunt Eva the news, Eva said to contact me! What a small world!!! Eva and my mom have been friends for YEARS! Eva's daughter, Lena, and I grew up together and celebrated many birthdays together as she was just 1 year and 1 day younger than me! Lena has since married and moved to the east coast and Eva has moved north closer to her parents so we don't see much of each other at all anymore - until now!

Maria and I "facebooked" one another often throughout the summer and fall. She would ask questions and I would try to provide insights, not necessarily answers, of our story with Jack and Luke and their journey starting with their diagnosis! We talked on the phone for hours - never having met, but somehow connected by our children. On one such phone conversation, she mentioned that her family would be traveling from Wisconsin down to Illinois over Thanksgiving! I jumped at the idea of meeting her and Josie, but more for them to see how well Jack and Luke were doing. I know I always said that if I just had a crystal ball to see into the future and to see that everything really WOULD be okay, I would have not spent so many days and nights worrying and unfortunately, crying.

We decided that a good meeting point would be Springfield - about halfway between both of us. Maria and Kevin brought along their 3 children and their parents as well as the woman who got us all together, Eva. We loaded the three boys and Nana into the car as well. Unfortunately, the entire drive there and back was a bit wet - well, REALLY wet, but once we got there we had a wonderful time! It really did feel like we had known each other forever!

Here are Maria and her beautiful daughter, Josie! Check out those cute pink earmolds!!!
Maria and me!
Eva and Nana!
Luke LOVED talking to and playing with baby Josie's older sister, Cassidy! She is a doll!
While Jack and Nick enjoyed hanging out with big brother, Wyatt! Dad, Kevin is also in the pic too, holding Josie!
We had some great Mexican food (and beverages!) and some even better conversation! Before we knew it 2 hours had flown by and it was time to head back home!
I can't wait until we get to meet up with them again! I know that Jack and Luke enjoyed seeing another child who, as Luke put is, is "deaf like me!" Good luck to Josie and her family for the many decisions, possible surgery, and appointments to come. Know though that one day, you will look at your daughter and forget these stressful times and see and hear only Josie!


Steve n Jackie said...

It's great that you guys were able to meet up. I appreciate you guys taking the scary part out of deafness in case we ever have a child with hearling loss. Just shows that you can overcome anything when you put your mind to it.

Anonymous said...

Amy...this is great! We had so much fun finally meeting you and your family...Your boys were so great to answer our questions and let us talk to them about their hearing loss! I am so grateful to you and your family for your support! I am not as scared for Josie anymore! Thanks Morra Family! =)