Friday, November 25, 2011

A Sea of PINK!

On a very EARLY June morning, my mom and I met up with the Weier's and Walter's to walk the St. Louis Race for the Cure. We all donned our Siteman Cancer Center t-shirts in honor of Aunt Jackie who was diagnosed with melanoma in March 2008 and hit the streets!

Here is a quick pic of mom and me at the Metro Link station......and here is our entire crew!The fun part is always sending Aunt Jackie, or Angie's sister, Aunt Nicole out to all the vendors to get the "free" stuff - this year they were both MIA so we had to fend for ourselves!!! Angie's Aunt Deb, Nana and Ang look like they did pretty well with the McArthur's tea! The race finally started and the streets were covered with thousands of people - all in PINK! Luckily, many of them had umbrellas as it sprinkled - just a bit - to cool us off a bit!The rain lasted for only a few minutes - our crew kept smiling the entire time!Our 5k was cut a BIT short as we jumped out of the race to catch the Metro Link back to IL to get some lunch! But, I did manage to get this picture of the arch and all the walkers coming into the finish line!What a great tradition we have started! Looking forward to it again next year - hopefully Aunt Jackie and Aunt Nicole can be with us!

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