Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hospital Visit...Take Two!!!

Today I had yet another day off as Jack was STILL sick and Nick was sent home yesterday with a 100.6 fever and diarrhea. After talking to Steve and Jackie, I knew I needed to head to their house to get some cleaning and some last minute baby stuff together, since Henry was almost a month early!!! I hauled the boys with me, I figured they could lay at Jackie and Steve's house as well as they could here, and honestly both boys were really acting like themselves!

After a few hours there and some major work completed, I headed home to meet up with Dan, who had taken Luke to CID! We all headed out to the hospital then to see our little Hank!

Luckily we were the only ones there so I got to hold little Hank. He was SO sleepy!!! He had just eaten so he was what Dan and I called "in food coma!"

Here I am with Nick and Hank! And his stuffed animal friends he received from Jack, Nick and Luke!
I had to give Hank up to Dr. Dan for another physical once again. His lungs sounded great and he got the okay to go home tomorrow...after his circumcision! :( Jack got close for this one picture! He is so happy to see his cousin!
Here are a few close ups of our cutie Hank! Look at all that hair, and the yawn!!!
Here is a head on shot! (Uncle Steve taught me how to flip pictures, but I'm tired and the boys need to go to sleep, so I'll post this and hopefully figure out how to flip it later!) Isn't he cute though???
Even though Uncle Steve has his own son now, he still has plenty of time to play with his nephews! Here he holds "baby" Nick!
You may be noticing that Aunt Jackie hasn't been in any pictures. That is because I was only taking pictures of Henry and since we were there, she never got the chance to grab him. So, here are some pics of the new Mommy!!!

Aunt Jackie and Nick!
Aunt Jackie and Jack (we had to bother Aunt Jackie during her phone conversation!)
Here Jackie and I are together! Love ya, sis!
Jackie, Steve, and Hank will be heading home from the hospital tomorrow! We are going to let them settle in and then the paparazzi will be back, hopefully this weekend!

1 comment:

The Wilsons said...

He's so adorable! Seriously cute. So what are his stats? Height, weight....he looks right on'd never know he was born early.