Saturday, March 7, 2009

Not a creature was stirring...well, except Luke!

I snapped these pictures a few nights ago after I came upstairs from doing some paperwork for some upcoming IEPs at work. Dan said he would keep the boys upstairs so I could get everything done in peace and quiet. Peace and quite certainly explains what I found when I returned upstairs!

Jack was snoring on the couch...hearing aids on and all...
Nick found a comfy place on the big chair...
And even Dan had been able to fall fast asleep...
I immediately saw Luke though, wide awake and watching his all time NEW favorite...ELMO!!! With binky and penguin, his two his side!
REMINDER...This is a perfect time to remind you all to "spring" forward tonight and turn your clocks ahead an hour before falling asleep! Good Night!

1 comment:

Steve n Jackie said...

That is really funny. I can totally picture Luke doing that. He has such a personality now, it is amazing. Love that little guy.