Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Future's So Bright....

We gotta wear the hospital, that is! Yep, Henry is back in the hospital due to his high bilirubin levels. (Dr. Dan just got a call though that said it was down one point, in just 2.8 hours...yeah, Henry!)

Nana and I got to the hospital after Dan came home (he met them up there for his admission!) to watch the boys! We had been there, staring at our adorable Henry Stephen when Jackie looks at us and tells us that we aren't supposed to be really looking at him because of the UV rays! UGH! We soon called Papa who came to our rescue with sunglasses for all! Notice Jackie's cool shades, I had Jack's in my purse, so we put them to good use!

Here is Henry under the lights...with his shades on!
Mommy with Henry!
Steve, in my glasses, Nana (not looking at Henry!) and Jackie in Jack's cool shades!
Henry is only allowed out of the double lights unless he is eating or getting a diaper change! Here is one of those times as Jackie is burping him!
Steve sat down for a quick family photo!!!
Grandma Terri came as did Aunt Laura and Uncle Kyle (bringing more baby clothes and pizza!) Here are Kyle and Laura (again, with their glasses) watching our baby Henry!
I LOVE Steve's family! He and Jackie have so much support from both sides, they are truly blessed. One thing though that is great is that they always share great information about Steve! Today Laura looked at little Henry's feet and specifically big toe and spoke of how it is so much like Steve's, especially the BIG size!

Some comparison photos...

Here is Henry's big feet!!!
And here is Steve's big toe...very similar, eh???
Hopefully, Henry will get to go back home tomorrow and Jackie and Steve can enjoy their baby in a calm, quiet house, and not worry about billirubin numbers!

1 comment:

Steve n Jackie said...

It was stressful bringing Henry back to the hospital but having so much support from family made it all bearable. And most of all, we have to give special thanks to Dr/Uncle Dan for all the special attention he has given Hank. Love you guys! Steve and Jackie