Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Real Pain in the Neck!

Nick woke up this a.m. complaining of a sore neck. I didn't think too much of it, but got a bit worried when I got his "hot chocolate milk" out of the microwave and he wasn't at my feet waiting for it. I woke Dan up and once we were set and ready for church I grabbed Jack to assist with getting his "church" clothes on and Dan went for Nick (we start with the easiest, Jack, and work on to our "fun" one, Luke, as he doesn't ever want to get dressed!) Anyhow, Dan looks him over and very calmly tells me we need to get to the Children's ER...what??? It seems he was a bit worried about meningitis!

I quickly called Aunt Jackie as my mom was in Chicago shopping for a dress with her good friend, Denise, and my dad was painting a room in the house (were you surprised, mom???) Anyhow, like usual, Jackie and Steve came to our rescue and were at our house in just 30 minutes. Dan couldn't wait, so he took Nick to the hospital. Once Jackie and Steve got here I was informed that Jackie was going to go with me (I had a small break down on the phone when they had called to say that they were almost at the house and they didn't want me driving there myself!)

We got to the ER around 10, and were told we were going to have a 3 hour wait...turned out to be only 2 hours (yeah!) and had a very YOUNG looking fellow. She ended up calling the BIG man in, a Dr. Jafferty (I think!). Dan was in awe, even stood up to shake the man's hand as he said he is in all of his medical books and journals. After some major Dr.- eeze that went way over my head, Nick ended up getting some MAJOR blood draws and a neck and head CT (SCARY!). Eight hours later, we were told that everything was normal and that it was likely a muscle spasm!!! YEAH!

Many thanks go out to everyone that helped out today - Aunt Jackie for sitting in the Children's ER for 8 hours...gotta love that for a woman who is almost 35 weeks pregnant and not too comfy! Uncle Steve was amazing as he took excellent care of Jack and Luke with all the crazy weather issues going around - our town's sirens went off twice and our power was out for an hour!!! Papa Jack for helping with the boys (after his painting was done!) and Nana for flying over upon her return from Chicago, once she found out about Nick (we kind of kept that from her...sorry, Nana!) Thanks too for the Dunkin' Donuts!!! :) Finally, and probably most importantly, thanks to our great friend, Angie, who got our church's prayer chain in motion and for her great texts to'll never know how the time was perfect for us to get those! We love you all and are so thankful you are all in our lives!!! We couldn't have survived this day without you all!!!

As for Nick, he will be spending tomorrow with Nana, so he is thrilled as he gets to watch his two new (old!) favorite movies, The Goonies and Ghostbusters!!!

I'm off to sleep...sweet dreams!


Amy said...

Dan here - feeling that one comment is definitely in order from me on this one...


Steve n Jackie said...

I don't think it would have been a true Children's trip without me, would it??? Aunt Jackie

Allie n Bryan said...

Wow I am just finding out about this. I thank God he didn't have meningitis. I had spinal meningitis when I was 6 and it was a horrible experience, especially a being a young kid, so I am VERY thankful Nicky is ok!!!

Papa Jack said...

Yes it seems that whenever Nana or Papa is out of town by themselves something is always going on with the Morra boys, and everytime Nana is out of town I end up painting. I am thinking I will go with Nana on her next road trip. Glad everything worked out for Nick and we could all help out. Thanks for supper Amy it was delish. Thanks to Jackie for keeping me in the loop and throughout the day. Had a good time with Nick Monday evening before Dad picked him up, and yes he ate good, 2 pieces of pizza and some chicken strips. Hope we are done with the hospital runs for a long time and I hope I am done with painting for a long time also.

Angie said...

I was seriously worried about him. I think I was even having sympathy pains.. my neck started hurting too... zoikes!!! You guys are like family to us!