Sunday, November 14, 2010

FINALLY - First Day of School!

After a really great summer full of fun, it was finally the boys first day of school. I both LOVE this day and feel really bummed about it. The first day of school for the boys mean that our mornings of sleeping in and afternoons at the pool or on some fun field trip must come to an end. It also means that I must head back to work and go back to the days of balancing a full time job, house work, sports practices, and homework all with a husband who works so hard and long to provide for our family.

With that said, it also means that I get to go back to work and see all the great women that I get to work with...and have some great adult conversation, minus all the brotherly bickering and complaining!

But look at what I have to are my three little guys on their first day of school!
Jack is in third grade, Luke is in his first full year of Pre-K, and Nick is a big first grader! Their backpacks - or messenger bags - are all packed and ready to go!
Our first stop was Jack and Nick's school! Every year Dan and I make sure to take the boys to school on their first day - to greet their new teachers, and of course, get some pictures!
Here is Nick with his teacher, Mrs. Evans! He did such a great job at drop off this year - he didn't cry a bit when we left!
You can definitely tell Jack is getting older. He wouldn't let me get a picture with his teacher, Mrs. Mondy, but I did manage to snap a quick picture of him unloading all of his new supplies into his desk.
The next stop was Luke's school! Here Dad and Luke are walking up to his "big" school as he calls it!
The first day for Luke was a "mom/dad and me" kind of class in which parent's explored Luke's new room and all the different "centers" that were there. Here Luke and Dad build with the play dough!
While I got to hold Luke while we listened to a book read by his teacher, Mrs. Holan!
After the boys' first day of school they all came home happy, tired and hungry! What was a mom to do except for serve them up an ice cream treat while they told me of their first day of school fun?

Jack is enjoying his favorite - vanilla ice cream with magic shell!
Nick was loving his Popsicle!

And Luke looks like he is ready to dig into his bowl of ice cream - made "just like my brother's!" That is the line we hear oh-to-often from little brother, Luke!
We are so thankful to have such amazing teachers teaching our boys! Judging by all the great things the boys had to share about their first day, this is going to be a great year!

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