Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lets Go....Rangers???

Dan bought tickets to see the New York Rangers play the Blues in St. Louis months ago! He was so psyched when he first bought them as the Rangers were playing REALLY well (Dan could quote their actual win/losses, but me, not so much!) Anyhow we invited our friends Jeff and Erin (Erin is actually my doctor and helps Dan tremendously with call and such when Dan needs a few hours or a few days off!) Anyhow, I haven't been to a Blues game in years and I don't really follow hockey too much, but it was actually fun! The Rangers lost 2 to 1, but considering they have "tanked" as Dan puts it, he was thrilled the Rangers even scored 1!

Our seats were high, but they were right on the center line (is that even the right term?) so we could see everything!!!
Thankfully Jeff and Erin were not camera shy and allowed me to snap a picture of them for my blog....KATIE, this one is for you!
And here are Dan and I, enjoying a child free Monday night!!! Gotta love his Rangers hat!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I truly appreciate you thinking of me...LOL!!