Whenever we head down to Memphis to visit Uncle Bryan and Alyssa we always stay at a great little Drury Inn! The rooms are nice, the pool is usually fairly calm and clean - really clean, you should smell the chlorine and you get a free dinner and breakfast there - oh and free soda and popcorn! The boys and Alyssa think it is the best place ever, which makes the stay even more fun for all the adults involved!!!
After our trip to the the park (see below) we headed to the hotel and of course, to the indoor pool there. Here is Jack - mid jump - he is such a little fish!!! Uncle Bryan is standing guard though, reminding Jack not to RUN and jump, while he throws a ball up to Jack to catch!

Nick is getting better and better in the water, but he still LOVES the hot tub. A lot of adults think it's too hot, but not Nick - he LOVES anything hot (especially his hot chocolate milk he drinks morning, noon, and night!)

Alyssa got splashed in her eyes on our first visit there and the chlorine really did a number on her - her little eyes were red for a few minutes. Since then, she just sits on the stairs and throws the diving rings, sticks and balls to her cousins to chase after! Isn't she a cutie???

And here is our fish number 2 - Luke! He LOVES the water and LOVES his little water vest! I love it too - and I wish I would have had one for Jack and Nick. There is a ring that goes around his midsection so it holds him up and he can concentrate on kicking with his legs and moving the water with his arms! I was always really worried about Luke in the water because he can't wear his implant or hearing aid, but he LOVES it! Check out this smile!!!

After swimming, we cleaned up and headed down to the lobby for dinner! Thankfully, we always bring new toys and games for the kids to play and of course, we have Uncle Bryan, who really likes to play with the kids - here they are waiting while we are in dinner!

The next day, we spent doing pretty much the same thing - we did manage to get a little shopping in though. Then did a bit more swimming and then found ourselves back downstairs waiting for dinner! Here the cousins are with their crayons and of course, free sodas!

After dinner on both nights, it was back up to our room for some adult games! Jack and Nick always bring their DSi's and Alyssa and Luke watch them - doesn't sound like too much fun, but they actually sit calmly for a while - under the table albeit, but still check it out, they are SO calm!

I did mention shopping, right? One of the things we bought were new pj's for the four kids! Here they are modeling them! Nick in Bakugan, Luke in Toy Story 3, Alyssa in Hello Kitty and Jack in Mario!

While the kids chill out with a movie or TV show, we get to play a game - tonight's game of choice is Sequence! Here is Nana, Bryan and Papa (with Alyssa cheering him on!)

The next morning, it was time for us to go, but before we headed out, we made one last stop - at Dunkin Donuts! I love that all four kids LOVE Dunkin Donuts!

What a great weekend, just hanging out with family and relaxing! Can't wait to go back to visit again!
1 comment:
Hank has a swim vest now. Can't wait for him to try it out with his cousin Buka.
That trip sure looks like it went smoother than our Christmas trip this year.
Hopefully the Drury will get their act together and fix the pool next time we are down there.
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