Sunday, November 28, 2010

Roastin' and Toastin'

SOMETIME in October - I'm honestly not sure when exactly - my parents had yet another bonfire. The night started out with the majority of the group going to a wurstmart at a local church for pork sausage and all the fixins! I opted out - so did Jackie and the boys, as well as Kari and her boyfriend, Nick. Well, one of her boyfriends - if you ask Luke who his girlfriend is he will always, respond, "KARI!" Here is a quick pic of how he greeted her!
Dan and Uncle Steve got the fire going, but before they did, we chilled by the house...
Once the fire was warm and toasty, we headed out with our blankets...
...and booze! Well, it is this FABULOUS Viennese coffee drink that my mom makes! We all LOVE it - especially Dan and Nana!
Not everyone wanted the spiked coffee though! Of course we had s'mores! It wouldn't be a bonfire without them! Here Dan and Nick start to make them...
For Jack and Luke to enjoy!

We did the same thing last year and Sandy brought over a FABULOUS caramel apple pie! This year was no different! Here Aunt Jackie shows off her piece!
We had I guess about 25 people there, all of us, sitting around the bonfire! These two lovely gentlemen - my dad on the left and his identical twin brother, my Uncle Jim on the right, kept scaring people!
I was the most vocal about being scared though and it got to be a fun game of scaring me - which, by the end of the night was not that difficult! Everyone was getting involved - walking around my parents fenced in backyard and poking me with sticks and everything else! We got home that night around midnight and wouldn't you know it, Dan got called into the hospital, so I was at home by myself and after the night of scares, I was totally freaked out! Good thing he was home by 4 a.m.! :)

Thanks to Nana and Papa for hosting such a great party! I honestly think I love these nights almost more than holidays!

1 comment:

Steve n Jackie said...

I scared Amy the most. After Papa Jack and Uncle Jim had her all worked up, I was sitting next to Amy and all I did was flinch real quick and crab the arms on my chair and say "oh my God" and I think you almost fell in the fire. Another note for the night- Amy directed me to burn down half of one of Nana and Papa's prized tall grass plants. They were getting in the way of her chair.