Tuesday I left work a bit early to go to Jack's Young Author Awards Ceremony! The festivities began at 1:30 and I slid in just before everything started, in time to search for Jack's face among this group of 1st and 2nd graders!

Each writer was called on stage and given a purple ribbon (I'm still getting used to purple and white as our school colors!!!). Jack looked SO proud. I unfortunately don't have any good pictures as I couldn't figure out what setting on our camera would provide enough light! I did manage to get one just before we headed out of school!

Sorry my blogging skills aren't too great...bare with me and turn your head to see Jack's book sitting in Mrs. Lockwood's bunch of books. Jack's book was called, "The Snake Learns to Talk!" He was not only the author, but the illustrator as well!

By the time the program was over, it was almost time to go home, so I got to take Jack (he LOVES being a "car rider!") Of course when he asked if he could have a McFlurry I couldn't resist!!!

I love all three of my boys, but I also treasure the one on one time I get with just one of my sons!
How can he be this old? Writing & illustrating books! What an accomplishment. You should be a very proud Momma! And I totally get the enjoyment of being to spend one on one time with your kids....not that Kate is here I cherish when Luke and I can hang out...even if it's silly things like shopping for groceries!
That's GREAT! What a smartie!
One on One time... what's that?!?!?
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