Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cruisin' in Cancun

Thursday morning - Day 4 - of vaca, we woke up bright and early and hopped in a van (and enjoyed quite the crazy 40 min ride) to head out to Cancun for our Royal Garrafon cruise! This was definitely a "touristy" area as there were boats leaving for all kinds of different adventures. I liked the look of these...
Our boat though, was a two story, (kinda) air conditioned boat that brought us over to the Isles de Mujeres for a day of fun. Here are Dan and I posed in front of the big ship.
We enjoyed breakfast on the boat...
...and then landed here - in this tropical paradise! Check out the water, it was beautiful!
The only thing I didn't like about the island was all of the iguanas running around! Dan was brave enough to get close enough to one so I could take his picture.
After we walked around a bit we got in line to zip line over the beautiful water! Notice Dan's nervous smile BEFORE the zip line???
They told us we couldn't take our cameras on the course, so I have this picture of a random person sailing through the sky! It was great though! Dan even liked it and he isn't a fan of heights or water!
After eating lunch on the island, we shuttled over to the downtown shopping district. It was oh so colorful!
And oh - so intense as vendors would come out of their air conditioned shops luring us in with the cool air and shots of tequila!
Once the shopping trip was over - and we had found some fab souvenirs for the boys, we headed back to Cancun and back to our hotel. It was definitely time for dinner, after our LONG day of travel! We opted for French that night! Portions were SUPER small, but delish! Another great day in the books!

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