Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Early Bird Gets...TO BE ON TV!

When Dan and I lived in NJ, my sister and mom flew out to visit and we of course, headed up to NY to see the Today show, since my mom was such a fan! Since we were just blocks away from the Today Show studios, Kristin, Maddie and I decided to wake up nice and early to be there for the taping. Luke was an added bonus as he woke up before we left!

Here are Luke and I in a much quieter Times Square, just before 7 a.m. on a Saturday morning!
Luke was SO darn good. He even actually smiled for me in front of the gates we were standing at with the Today show logo behind him!
We were totally excited when the weather guy (not sure of his name right now!) positioned himself right in front of us!!! Yep, we were on TV! After the segment was over that same nameless weather guy talked to Maddie about swimming! Very cool! I immediately called my mom and sister and told them to watch out for us TV stars! Unfortunately, during the NY weather, our lovely local NBC station inserts our weather in (makes sense!) so we weren't see at the local market! We were however seen in NY as Dan texted us and said we looked great!!!

Here we are with the nameless, heavily made up weather guy!
Since Rockefeller Center is just across the street, we opted to toodle on over for a few quick pictures! Here Luke is taking in the view!
We couldn't head back to our hotel and my remaining boys empty handed, so we stopped at this Dunkin for some breakfast!
Jack and Nick were so excited that they saw Mommy and Luke on TV! I wish we could have taped that as Luke's first television appearance, but no such luck! We'll have to be more prepared when our little rockstar is on tv the next time! :)

1 comment:

The Wilsons said...

So loving all the NYC pictures!!! Makes me soooo homesick in a way. Oh...and LOVE the green bag! Always lookin' good Aim!