We drove up through Maryland, Pennsylvania, and stopped in New Jersey at the Cemetery where Dan's dad, Grandpa Morra, is buried! Dan and I searched through the rain looking for his site. After about 10 minutes and some soaked feet, Dan found it and had a quiet moment with his dad.
After this somber visit, we hopped back into the car on our way to Liberty State Park (the NJ side of the Statue of Liberty!) It had really changed since we visited in 2006 as we had to go through metal detectors this time. This was Luke's first time through one, and b/c of the implant, he doesn't go through so get this, they actually had a security officer pat him down!!! He handled it great, but I can just imagine how the rest of his life will be!!!
Of course, the rain followed us! Here Dan and Jack use the umbrella to deflect the blowing rain!

Kristin, Maddie and Buka try to stay dry too! It is times such as these where I don't know if parents with hearing children know what a blessing it is to not have to worry about all these darn hearing devices. We have 3 hearing aids and one implant, all of which CANNOT get wet!!! Makes for some fun times in the rain!

We made our way to the boat that brings you to Ellis Island and the Statue. Starting on July 4th, the Statue will open up once again for tours, as it has been closed since September 11, 2001. For some cool stats on the Statue, check out www.nps.gov!
The boys were hungry so we got a few snacks for the trip. Can you believe they actually had a concession stand on the boat???

Once their bellies were full, they hopped up on the seats and began their search for the Statue! Unfortunately with all the blowing rain, it was hard to see anything!

The first stop is Ellis Island! We have actually never walked around this area, and with all the rain it didn't happen again this visit! Luke enjoyed the view though!

Here is our traveling group waiting for the boat to unload and reload with visitors going to and from Ellis Island!

Once we left Ellis Island, we traveled right to the Statue of Liberty herself! Each time I see this, it is truly a sight! It is amazing!!! This trip, with the rain and all, was certainly no different! It is neat to see and hear all the different people on the boat going to see this site. Few people looked like us or spoke our language, but all were in awe!

We managed to walk outside of the cabin of our boat and snap this family picture! Luke wasn't thrilled to be outside at first, but then he LOVED it, too bad he didn't have a change of heart until after we were already heading back to port and the Statue was no where in sight!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Jack with the NYC skyline in the back. He was the one who asked if we could go back to see the Statue of Liberty and you could just see in his face how much he loved being there, even with all the rain!

We got back off the boat and into the "museum" like part of Liberty State Park to get Jack the foam Statue of Liberty crown that we promised him. Unfortunately, the men working at the souvenior kiosk said they were closed (hello...we are tourists wanting to give you money!) but they held to their "no" response. Instead then, we took pictures while Dan went to retrieve our car in the downpour!!!

Official stop number one of our East Coast trip was definitely a success! The boys were great and everyone loved seeing such a beautiful sight! Next stop, Times Square in NYC!
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